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Hungary becomes an extremely significant strategic market for business and investors from different countries, as well as for their families in the European Union.
The geographical location, clear tax planning and a favorable investment climate make it possible to create conditions for increasing the inflow of private capital from Russia, Ukraine, Asia and the Middle East.
Help4U has been the major stakeholder in the Hungarian market in the field of business consulting, migration issues and IT technology since 2012.
The company specializes and focuses on working with international clients, both legal and private individuals. Our main task is to help solving migration, business and private matters for our Clients in Hungary.
We are gradually expanding our service portfolio, thereby increasing the accessibility of international Customers to the Hungarian market.
The main areas of our services are assistance in creating and moving a business to the EU (Hungary), investing in real estate and other entrepreneurial activities, solving migration issues, access to Hungarian health care and education as schools and universities.
Our multilingual team brings together professionals, creative people with extensive experience.
From the idea to the implementation of each task, we attract high-class specialists.
Speed, flexibility and high quality of work are the key to the success of our team.